Personal Statement on Art

I was born in the midst of the Cold War, behind the “Iron Curtain,” where my family endured a period of political and cultural repression, a time when state authorities sought to obliterate our collective identity and to eradicate our ethnic and religious practices. This created a spiritual vacuum that shaped my early years. Raised in a spiritually barren environment, in circumstances where a disenchanted worldview was culturally enforced, I grew up with a profound sense of emptiness, a void at my core. As I grow older, with the support of my family and the grounding presence of our two young children, alongside living with a difficult illness, I’ve been trying to rebuild a sense of personal spirituality.

I find it impossible to embrace any formalized religious structures. Instead, I have found solace in thoughtful engagement with art. Through purposeful creative activity, I seek to approach the sublime—an ongoing journey of reawakening through artistic expression.

I was fortunate to receive a thorough photographic education at an early age, during my time as a refugee in North Africa in the 1980s. By the time I was in Grade 6, I was already immersed in the fundamentals of film photography. I have posted some of my very early work, from that time in my childhood, here: Leptis Magna.

Over time, I came to realize that my camera was not just a tool for documenting various aspects of the external world, but rather a means of seeking something more subtle: mystery and the ever-elusive glimmers of the sacred. My aim is to craft each personal project with this intent: to deepen and expand this nascent spirituality, so that I may gradually re-enchant the world around me.

Because he also regarded photography as a path to the spiritual, Minor White remains one of my foremost artistic influences. I am equally inspired by Kandinsky’s vision of the spiritual in art, and I absolutely admire the films of director Andrei Tarkovsky. Above all, I owe much to my teacher and mentor at McGill University, the philosopher Charles Taylor, whose core insights continue to guide my exploration of identity, faith, and creativity.

Statement on Portraiture

We often hear that the point of portrait photography is to capture the subject's essential "character" or even, in some sense, to embody their "spirit" or "soul." I think this is impossible. Instead, the point is to provoke interest in the subject ... to induce intense wonder, on the part of viewers of a portrait, about the character or even the "spirit" of the person behind it. This is achieved when the portrait avoids bringing the subject fully into view, as it were, under a glaring light. A compelling portrait leaves core aspects of the subject partially obscured, ideally through some form of visual abstraction. The ultimate meaning of the portrait image ought to remain elusive ... and hence open to further inquiry.

When it comes to my own work, I focus on creative portraiture, editorial-style work and related fields. I often use unique lighting techniques and try to emphasize shadows, as much as light, by way of sculpting form and figure in order to add a sense of intrigue and intimacy to my images. I also often apply non-generic colour grading, mainly in order to create an atmosphere that is complimentary to my subject's character … but also, again, to induce attention. 

I aim to present my subjects in ways that emphasize their inner strength and dignity, and I often try to capture them in contemplative, thoughtful or meditative moments. … I strongly believe that interesting and intriguing portraits are more compelling and worthwhile than strictly “beautiful” captures.

I'm available for commissions and am able to serve both private individuals, as well as commercial/institutional clients. 


  • Lens Gallery (Toronto), Group Show (2008 Summer Show), “Visual Records of the Urban Dweller” 

  • Spectra, Gallery 44 (Toronto) Members Exhibition  (2022 Fall Show), “Of Place or Position or Posture”

  • Gallery 44 (Toronto) Annual Member Show (Summer 2024), Open Theme

  • New Orleans Photo Alliance (New Orleans) Group Show (Fall 2024), “Abstract/Sur-Real”

  • Decode Gallery (Tucson, AZ), Group Show (Fall 2024), “Grayscale”

  • Echos Studio (São Paulo, Brazil), Group Show (Fall 2024), “Singular” 

  • All About Photo Magazine, Online Solo Exhibit for June 2024, “Reimagined Landscapes: Iceland”